
Why Love Is So Lucky On January 13 For 3 Zodiac Signs - YourTango

While January 13, 202 is a day that brings us a lucky transit that might not necessarily be considered to be 'romantic' in nature, it can help couples reach their goals and add to the structure of their lives together.

We are looking at how Mercury in Capricorn helps couples get their acts together, which is an area of life that Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius zodiac signs can admit needs help.

We may be past the 'honeymoon phase' and into the meat and potatoes portion of the romance. This means that, while the thrill isn't necessarily 'gone,' we have moved past the initial newness.

Now that we are more familiar with the person we are with, we want to start setting some rules in place, not to mention goals, plans and the kind of critical thinking that adds to structure and foundation.

Three zodiac signs will be working with the energy that comes off of Mercury in Capricorn on this day, January 13, 2024. While the 'lack of spontaneity' might not seem romantic, it may be the best thing we can do for ourselves.

Good fortune in love isn't always 'luck' but management. We create our romantic worlds according to a set of rules and plans, and it works out very well. This day is a 'smart' day.

Love horoscopes are luckiest in love on January 13, 2024

1. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

If thinking about a situation is what's on the lover's menu on this day, then you are completely down for it, as you aren't one to shy away from critical thinking and the truth is, you want to make sense of the day. You crave order and predictability and the only way you can ensure that in your love relationship is by hashing it out in face-to-face, down-to-earth communication. This is something you are very good at, Libra.

You love your partner and they love you; this is known. You've seen the hard times and the chills and thrills and if there's one thing that has become quite clear, you're in this together and for the long run.

During Mercury in Capricorn, you'll have no problem sitting down with the person you love and 'getting down to business,' in this case, that's not a pun. You mean it, and so do they. January 13, 2024, is a good day for talking about things like ... IRAs and joint accounts. Yes, that's romantic.

What's also pretty cool about this day is that neither of you are heated in your communication style. In fact, you are both rather calm and disciplined in the way you approach certain topics. Nothing here puts you off, as all of it fits into your reality scheme. There is a future for the two of you and if it's to work, then it needs structure and a solid plan. Neither of you is too shy to approach this as a business proposal.

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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Together with your romantic partner, you will make the best out of this day, January 13, 2024. So much of this is due to the presence of Mercury in Capricorn, which will direct your attention to things realistic and romantic.

You have both shown each other that you can step up when it comes to lovey-dovey stuff, but the lovey-dovey isn't an everyday experience; what is an everyday experience is household life. To succeed as a 'real' couple, you must master the household.

This implies that on this day, January 13, 2024, you will push the desire aside and redirect your energy towards things like financial management and the distribution of household chores.

Nobody likes to think of this as part of the romance, but you, Scorpio, have your eyes on the long-term prize and that means enjoying your life together, in planned peace, with the person you love and wish to spend it all with.

None of this intimidates you as you know that life is not 'all desire, all the time.' Maybe in your youth, you thought you could get away with your good looks or your powers of seduction. The truth is, all of that is part of what makes life fun and worth living ... however, it's not 'all' of it and it's certainly not what works forever in a romantic relationship. This day shows you that you need more than lust to keep this alive, and you will dedicate yourself to that idea during Mercury in Capricorn.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

Mercury in Capricorn works very well into your world, and even though your zodiac sign tends to be one of the big 'dreamers,' you do like your logic. On this day, January 13, 2024, you'll get your share of logical decisions, all of which are worthy of making. This day allows you to do something you do very well: spend time with your partner going over essential rules. Romantic? Not really, but helpful? Oh yes.

You're all about long-term planning on this day, January 13, 2024, and that suits you just fine as you happen to be very good at it.

You can admit that sometimes you live in the future perhaps a little too much, but when it comes to stuff like investing or financial planning, how could something like that be a bad thing? You and your partner are realists ... at least on this day, you are. With Mercury in Capricorn looming above you, you'll crave realism and a realistic view of the future.

What makes this day a lucky day in love is that you've found someone with whom you CAN have days like this. This is someone who is just as focused on realism as you are, and that takes the pressure off of you as you don't want to feel as though you have to make every day Valentine's Day. That's cool for someone else if they need it. You need to know that you and your partner will be 'set up for life' and the only way to make that happen is to pay attention to what you're doing ... now.

RELATED: What He Wants In A Woman, Based On His Moon Sign

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.  g

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