See what the stars have in store for your sign.

We are being touched with a feather this month when it comes to matters of the heart – be it to leap forward to dive in or to make peace with our hearts. Just like the gentle cool ocean breeze can make everything feel better, so can the tender warmth of love – be it from a lover, a friend , our four legged family or just ourselves. For some, cycles that began in 2012, may be coming to a close – not necessarily their relationships or lack of – but inherent patterns and ways of functioning for sure.
So let’s dive in and see what the stars have in store for all the signs when it comes to love and relationships. These are soul messages channelled from Source, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Check out your sun, moon and rising signs to get a deeper insight into the guidance pouring in for you and make the most of a stormy, yet breezy, July!
Aries Love Horoscope: July 2023
This is the month where you lay foundations, Aries. So if you meet someone new, set realistic, but not necessarily unromantic, expectations for the future. If you are already in a relationship, renew your vows and of course, touch upon new ground rules, because everyone evolves and so does your relationship. 7 is the number for you - so be it 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months or 7 years, whatever the case with you - your answers are coming. The next milestone in your relationship or a new one, is likely to be here soon. Specific message for some: those trying to conceive for a while, this may be your lucky month. Ask your angels to work their magic while you work yours. Whatever you feel called to renew or change, do it in complete coherence with your heart.
Power Crystal: Rhodochrosite, for forgiveness and acceptance.
Taurus Love Horoscope: July 2023
It doesn’t matter how much you can take on, the question is how much do you want to take on, Taurus? There is only so much one person can handle and if you have been juggling with a lot of things lately - even mentally, it may be time to steer clear of energy draining conversations or people by setting expectations and boundaries right. Take a break from over working on the issues at hand, and for some, even take a break from your relationship if that has been on your mind. Follow your gut but keep your heart in place. Trust that whatever is happening is conspiring in your favour for the long term, even if you may feel otherwise for now.
Power Crystal: Prehnite for trust - in yourself, your relationships and in the cosmos.
Gemini Love Horoscope: July 2023
Write about your happy place in your relationship to manifest it in your current one or in one that may be on it’s way to you, Gemini. You have a double mission - personal growth and to grow with others. So this month channel your faculties of perception and understanding into your personal life and watch it bloom. If you feel emotions are cards you can choose and put forward based on the need of the hour, without being manipulative, this month might be the one where you will need to put these skills of balance to good use. You are doing all you can do, so now, try focussing on your vulnerabilities and let your tribe know how you would like them to show up too, while you are busy balancing your swords.
Power Crystal: Rose quartz, for love, compassion and gentleness.
Cancer Love Horoscope: July 2023
Cancer, you may be spiralling through multiple timelines through a repeated loop in your lovelife this month. And while you may go like, “Oh no, not again!” trust that you have the power to close the door on this pattern and heal your existing relationship (if you are in one) or open doors to new love. Your angels are happy to offer assistance and they have a profound yet simple message for you this month when it comes to love. Use the slow pace your work gifts you, (Check out your career reading) to nurture your personal life and relationships. Everything needs watering and while you do need it yourself, you will realise that this month you also feel taken care of when you are fully present with the ones you love. Trust your gut and make the moves. Communicating effectively can also happen gently and your angels of love are here to help you with this. Time to walk your talk baby.
Power Crystal: Aquamarine for communication and Brazilianite for flexibility.
Leo Love Horoscope: July 2023
While a lioness knows how to be fierce it is also her choice to nurture her family, Leo. So whether you are a man or a woman, remember that independence and love can co-exist, if we allow it to in a healthy balanced manner. You can be ambitious, assert your boundaries and still be a mushball who dotes on their loved ones. So this month, reclaim this part of your personality and don’t let your past or other’s expectations of you hold you back in any way. You are divinely supported by your angels and team of light, so go through life with that buzz in your feet and that softness in your heart.
Power Crystal: Spirit Quartz, to bring in Source softness to your life.
Virgo Love Horoscope: July 2023
There are exceptions to all rules, Virgo, especially when love is part of the mix. While not all may be fair in love and war, a lot of things are justified. So overlook a little white lie here and there and zoom out to see the entire picture. Staying stuck in the knots and needles will not let you see the beautiful tapestry your S.O. weaves into your life. A lot may have changed in your life since they became part of it, perhaps even for the worse, but also for the better. Take your power back this month by choosing a healthy mindset and emote effectively. If letting bygones be bygones is an option, try it out. If not, then you know what you need to do. But whatever it is, remember to see both sides of the coin before jumping to conclusions about things.
Power Crystal: Herkimer Diamond, to remember you are living a once cherished dream.
Libra Love Horoscope: July 2023
How will someone know how you feel if you don’t tell them, Libra? Feeling lonely and secluding yourself from the world only makes you feel lonelier. Reaching out to a loved one when you feel vulnerable and letting them into your heart makes a bond grow stronger. You don’t always have to be balanced, because the beauty of the cosmos is that eventually it finds it’s own balance. Seek help when faced with challenges, prioritise your life and needs, get out and meet those who matter to you, and trust your gut over everything else. You loved ones need to know you love them too, so go on and tell them just how ghosted you feel when they aren’t around.
Power Crystal: Moonstone, to embody your divine feminine, creative energy.
Scorpio Love Horoscope: July 2023
There’s a lot happening under the surface, Scorpio. And your only focus this month is to try and be the bigger person (not like you don’t otherwise, but still). Sometimes our loved ones act in strange ways because of things that may be important to them, not necessarily to us. And while you may be feeling like you’ve been making a ship sail alone for way too long, that wouldn’t be the entire truth, and you know that. Your focus needs to come back to feeling your best - in health and wellness, and then it can diverge into different paths after that. Break this loop that has been on for a long, long time, for some around 10- 13 years or so, and apply gentleness towards accepting what you have in front of you now. There is nothing more you can do other than what you have done, now break the chain of expectations and see if you can enjoy things the way they are. Sometimes, love means passion, sometimes it means having someone who cares, even if in their own way.
Power Crystal: Citrine for abundance and Lemurian Quartz for remembering soul connections.
Sagittarius Love Horoscope: July 2023
This month your love and passion may be better directed towards your purpose and duty, than on your actual love life, Sag. You probably struggle with boundaries when it comes to intimate relationships, and your angels suggest that getting these gears working in a professional setup might be easier for you at the start, and of course, eventually these will filter through in your love life as well. And guess what comes along with healthy boundaries? A healthy, mutually love filled relationship. Often we feel we must work our way through the toughest part first. While yes, that does hold some truth we can practise the toughest part in easier ways in other aspects of our lives before putting it to the test where it hurts most. Take charge and lead the way forward. Slow and steady wins the race.
Power Crystal: Smoky quartz to clear old patterns and Blue Kyanite to reset boundaries and bring dreams to life.
Capricorn Love Horoscope: July 2023
It doesn’t matter how love fills your life, Capricorn, as long as you know your heart is glowing with its warm sunshine. For those of you manifesting a specific person, your angels want to ask you why you may be more attached to the version of love with this person over allowing love that actually nourishes you to fill your life? For some others, you may be becoming acutely aware of ways in which people and relationships don’t work for you and vice versa. This newfound awareness is gifting you the power to become comfortable with the fact that just like you are not for everyone, everyone may not be for you. This is a month where following your intuition heavily rewards you and loving yourself gifts you an orchard that fills your life with a bounty.
Power Crystal: Amethyst, for getting to know yourself deeper, better to attract what matches your frequency.
Aquarius Love Horoscope: July 2023
You may be playing out important karmic cycles this month in matters of the heart, Aquarius. Be it within friendships, intimate relationships or other bonds. It almost feels like your heart is crying and you just want to scream out loud asking your angels to intervene and just then, boom, your heart expands and you either settle in, or can see a different perspective of things around you. Although you may feel like you are going through this rude awakening all by yourself while others are oblivious to what you feel - the cosmos has two important messages for you - if this played out any differently, you would not learn through experience the way you are now, and of course, you are never alone - your angels always have your back. Get out of your own head, follow things that make you happy, focus on your passions and purpose and let this massive land clearing in your heart happen because it is making space for you to landscape a beautiful garden filled with your favourite flowers.
Power Crystal: Selenite with Agate for a soul and body connection.
Pisces Love Horoscope: July 2023
As we evolve, so does our understanding and definition of love, Pisces and while there is no linear growth chart, there's definitely a sense of outgrowing things at a foundational level. Some of you may feel tired of being in the background and some others may even feel like you need to assert yourselves differently. Whatever it is that you are experiencing during this roller coaster of a month, remember that this phase won't last for long. Explore your new found needs and deal breakers in relationships and put them out for the concerned people to soak in. While you do this, be open to also contributing differently towards your relationships to ensure that you are walking your talk.
Power Crystal: Shattuckite, to blend our wisdom with our knowledge and actions.
"Love" - Google News
July 01, 2023 at 07:30AM
Monthly Love Horoscope: July 2023 - VOGUE India
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