Make changes now to save children in danger
Re: “Did Olivia have to die?” June 13 news story
Shelly Bradbury’s and Meg Wingerter’s superb investigative reporting of the clearly avoidable death of Olivia Gant and the supporting Post editorial are journalism at its finest. Sadly, the same cannot be said of the clinical and ethical negligence, indeed appalling moral failings, that took place at the otherwise esteemed Children’s Hospital.
Doctors and nurses directly involved in the care of a child should have the authority to report abuse directly to the Department of Human Services and not to a remote hospital bureaucratic “internal affairs” team for approval, or in Olivia’s case, denial. The hospital’s pious and evasive statements resemble the “damage control” we would expect in politics and are nothing more than feeble and embarrassing attempts at preservation of reputation and image.
This is hardly surprising in this era when health care and hospitals have become corporate entities in the marketplace, and obscenely salaried management is obsessed with the business model of the “bottom line.”
One of the ironies in this tragedy is that one of the most legendary pediatricians in the history of Colorado, C. Henry Kempe, published an article nearly sixty years ago that is still famous today in pediatrics, or at least it should be. Its title was “The Battered Child Syndrome.”
Nicholas K. Fowler, Thornton
First, a report on this child’s unnecessary death followed by an editorial expressing the thoughts I personally felt when reading of her mother’s arrest two tears ago.
My mind struggles to understand how Olivia received so many unnecessary medical procedures. How did this little girl end up starving to death in hospice?
The hardest part to understand, though, is how Children’s Hospital — a hospital we donate money to and respect, having seen them do wonderful work with children we personally are acquainted with — can create a loophole in the law requiring reporting of suspected child abuse. No person working in the medical care of children should feel they need to bypass DHS and only make their concerns known to the hospital’s child abuse team.
If DHS and Children’s had worked together, something they often do, my personal belief is Olivia would be happily living with her family and maybe her mother would have gotten the mental health help she might have needed. Sadly no one will ever see that alternate outcome. In my opinion, Children’s needs to encourage staff to follow the law and make concerns known to DHS as well as the hospital’s own team.
Michelle M. Gershon, Littleton
Over the last 40 years, I have read dozens of thoughtful stories about children dying of abuse and neglect. It is like the movie Groundhog Day. All usually find people or agencies have missed something, not done something, or poorly decided a child’s custody (often with court support) that ultimately led to the death. For 40 years, the number of child abuse deaths here (and in the United States) has not appreciably changed. Contrast this to the improvement in childhood mortality from prematurity, meningitis, and cancer, to name a few. Why are we stuck when it comes to preventing abuse fatalities? Two suggestions:
1) Child Welfare should report the quality and outcomes of its professional practice. Identifying and treating potentially abusive adults and protecting children is a clinical specialty requiring good initial training, and more importantly, continuing education. Clinicians make mistakes. In the health system, we openly track and report our mistakes, apologize for them, and learn not to repeat them. That is not the current practice in Child Welfare, Law Enforcement, and the Civil and Criminal Justice System. We have no idea whether their child protection practice has helped or hurt children and families over the past 40 years.
2) We know the experience of being abused or neglected as a child has significant health and mental health consequences. Health, mental health, and education professionals need to be more than just mandatory reporters to a system that does not disclose its outcomes, which is why many are reluctant to report.
Maybe next year?
Richard D. Krugman, Denver
Editor’s note: Dr. Krugman, is chair of the Board of the National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect www.EndCAN.org.
Another end around play to bypass the will of the voters
Re: “TABOR died and that’s (mostly) a good thing,” June 13 editorial
Historically our state’s lawmakers muddied their waters with deception. Voters have every right to demand clarity of language and legislative purpose when we are asked by state officials to dig into our pocketbooks and pay more for fuel, or for an Uber or Lyft ride.
Our state lawmakers have a thematic issue, a legal concern and a credibility problem when they claim; charging a “fee” to people is a separate kind of money from what we pay as “taxpayers” for exactly the same good or service. Politically coercive ambition is what gave birth to our state’s “Taxpayer Bill of Rights” (TABOR) in 1992.
The Denver Post claiming TABOR has died is predictable, wishful, leftist thinking.
We, the taxpayers, pay our state’s bills with our money. We will not turn away from fiscal responsibility given clearly defined revenue needs that are supported by facts over persuasion.
We all know without the “cuffs of TABOR,” our state, in short order, would become more like California, New York and Illinois than Texas or Florida.
Forrest Monroe, Aurora
In Amendment 117 voters reaffirmed their TABOR right to approve taxes while trying to allow the legislature flexibility and not micro-manage small “enterprises.”
Now we have a gas fee on top of a gas tax that are functionally indistinguishable except that one will weasel through a loophole in the amendment.
This is why people get disgusted with politicians — they should respect the intent of the voters and allow them to vote on tax increases (which I, in fact, support). The legislators should be ashamed of themselves.
Peter Sanford, Englewood
Consider posts to improve social media messages
Re: “Nextdoor — the social media app — is often quite evil,” June 13 commentary
Since Nextdoor’s many shortcomings, as described by Krista Kafer, are equally pervasive in other social media, the problem must have a common source. And so it does. Its users.
Like Kafer, I have also found my Nextdoor neighbors quick to blame and complain, share misinformation, and turn what may be passing stranger into something utterly threatening. Not surprisingly, the combination of our very human fascination with misfortune and the pervasive reach of social media often results in a toxic brew that amplifies fears, distrust and outrage.
Instead of abandoning Nextdoor, perhaps Kafer might consider wading into the fray: extending compassion where there is judgment, thoughtful critiques where there is misinformation, calm where there is fear, and gentle encouragement to consider things from a different point of view where there are signs of growing divisions. We do this to remind our neighbors of their good manners and of their role as members of a community in which we all want to feel safe and welcomed.
This is not to say there aren’t trolls (who must be ignored), but I’ve found the vast majority of folks on Nextdoor to be well-intentioned and actively seeking connection with those around them. We, therefore, owe it to ourselves, on social media and in real life, to respond in ways that provoke respect, kindness and goodwill. Let us choose to use that influence more readily.
R. Norman, Wheat Ridge
Stop using “Karen” as a slur
Re: “Nextdoor — the social media app — is often quite evil,” June 13 commentary
It is interesting that Krista Kafer, in her article about online hate, uses the “Karen” slur to make a point. It is so hurtful to those of us named Karen. I would love to see the end of this hate campaign and regain the pride and love of my name given to me by my father, who also loved the name.
Karen Sangster, Fraser
Pinched by those in power
Re: “End the filibuster and provide for Americans’ needs,” June 10 letter to the editor
The writer says she is sick of being ruled by the Republicans. What state or, for that matter, country does she live in?
The Democrats are running Eastern California, which used to be known as Colorado, and doing whatever strikes their fancy. From getting rid of as much oil and gas production as they possibly can, to introducing wolves into areas that don’t want them, or telling farmers and ranchers how to run their business, which they have run for hundreds of years.
Then comes the spending. The writer says we can afford it, but can we? Inflation is at a 13-year high in part because of the money
being printed to cover all the Democrat’s spending.
She says she has lived a pretty long life, but does she remember 18% mortgages? The cost of groceries is up, the lumber needed to build a house is on average $36,000 higher than last year. Gas is up; people don’t want to go back to their jobs because they make more sitting at home.
There will be a correction and maybe the writer won’t be affected by it, but there are many people who will. Getting rid of the filibuster sounds good when your party is in
power, but what happens when they lose power.
Passing a $2 trillion infrastructure bill that will be used for so many other things besides infrastructure is not a wise use of our tax dollars — kind of like the stimulus package that went in part to other countries and politicians’ pork.
Dennis Lubbers, Littleton
Senseless deaths here at home
Re: “Bombs hit two minivans in Kabul; seven dead,” June 13 news story
When I read in Sunday’s Post that two minivans in Kabul were bombed Saturday, killing seven, I probably responded like the average American: “Oh, those poor people of Kabul.” But then I remembered that on an average day in America, 106 people are shot and killed.
Fellow Americans, would it be terrifying to compromise on universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons? Why in heaven’s name do those ideas make some people shake in their boots?
Susan Finger, Westminster
Workers might come back if treated as valued employees
As the economy starts to ramp up, companies lament the lack of people answering their ads for employees.
Here is a thought:
Why not hire these workers as full-time employees working 40+ hours per week with benefits? How can these companies expect people to come back to part-time work of 20 hours per week with no benefits?
Even at $15 an hour, that is just over $15,000 a year. Can you live on that, or work as a so-called 1099 worker or “gig” worker with no benefits or employee rights?
I bet your phones would ring off the hook if you started treating your workers as employees! Just like in the olden days, 25 years ago!
Try it! And if you still don’t fill the jobs, I guess you will have to reassess your employee expectations to the offered compensation.
Good luck!
Mark Stahl, Colorado Springs
Not all speech is protected for a good reason
Re: “ACLU faces internal tensions, identity crisis,” June 7 news story
Most rights come with responsibilities and limits that often are based on public safety. When someone’s speech incites a riot,
especially when people are killed, should that person really be defended for his role in the riot?
Frank and Karen Timmons, Westminster
STEM shooting trial also spotlights drug issues
Re: “Stem School shooting trial: Jury to begin deliberations,” June 15 news story
While I have been reading about the trial of this incredibly sad, tragic story, and in Saturday’s paper, reading of all the drugs in the suspected shooter’s body, I cannot help but wonder, is there an investigation underway as to where the drugs were coming from and being given or sold to these high school students?
I certainly hope so.
While I am not defending him by any means, how are all of these young kids getting their drugs, and how do parents not know? Maybe I am naive as I do not have children, and I understand there were difficulties in their family relationships. I hope and pray someone is investigating the source of the drugs.
Karen Clark, Lakewood
The irrationality of QAnon followers may be scariest part
Re: “U.S. intel report warns of more violence by QAnon followers,” June 15 news story
Have we lost the ability to discern fact from fiction? Have we lost the power of critical thinking? Do we no longer value the moral rectitude of truth? According to the QAnon balderdash iterated in The Denver Post’s article, we have indeed lost these abilities. Most frightening is mindless violence emanating from mindless thinking.
How do subscribers to QAnon, who believe cicadas are a portent to the verification of their prophecy, rationalize and reconcile violence being the path to truth?
QAnon, Trump and the cadre of republican toadies are in sore need of psychiatric intervention.
Bob Bonacci, Littleton
Take on the border problem at its sources
Re: “In Mexico, Harris defends against criticism over border decision,” June 9 news story
In first aid, everyone knows that in order to stop the bleeding, you must stop it at the source — not where the blood appears. The same is true with our immigration problem.
The “source” of the immigration “bleeding” problem is El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The bleeding appears on the U.S. border. Politicians insisting the Biden administration visit the border area is just a ploy as there is nothing to be gained but political currency. It is common knowledge that the government and “justice” systems in these three countries have a history of corruption and crime. Handing over millions of aid to these governments is the same as burning the money.
To solve the problem we should require the aid be provided with thick strings attached. The aid money needs to be handled by locally stationed in-country Americans who account and distribute it according to the overall strategy. The local governments of these countries shouldn’t be involved. If those governments don’t like it, pull out all aid — of any kind. Watch how fast they would accept our terms.
Curt Anderson, Broomfield
Victims don’t get reprieves
Re: “Stem School shooting trial: Jury to begin deliberations,” June 15 news story
Your article says that alleged murderer Devon Erickson “is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole.” You should inform readers that “without the possibility of parole” just means staying in prison until lawmakers let you out.
In 1992, Leroy Gardenhire III committed murder and kidnapping. He was convicted by a jury and given sentences including life without parole. In 2016 the Colorado legislature changed his sentences retroactively. He was paroled March 8 this year at the age of 47 after serving a few days less than 29 years.
The legislature did not change the death sentence for Gardenhire’s victim.
Ray Harlan, Aurora
Editor’s note: Harlan is chairman of Colorado Victims for Justice.
Rep. Boebert votes her truth
Re: “Rep. Boebert votes against medals for U.S. Capitol police,” June 16 news story
In a crazy way, it’s refreshing to see that Colorado’s U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert voted against medals for U.S. Capitol police. She has wholeheartedly supported the “big lie” about the election, and she wanted the insurrectionists to disrupt the completion of the election certification
The Capitol Police prevented that by guiding our elected officials to safety, also preventing the possible hanging of former Vice President Mike Pence.
Their gallant and heroic efforts prevented what might have been a very horrific and deadly disaster. Their actions led to the resumption of the electoral vote count, and the democratic procedure of electing our president concluded. For Rep. Boebert and many of her Republican colleagues, that was a significant disappointment. By voting ”no,” she stood up for her beliefs, as horrifying as those might be, and all of her supporters need to reckon with that truth.
Mark Zaitz, Denver
Honor Kendrick Castillo
The STEM School Highlands Ranch should be renamed “Kendrick Castillo STEM School Highlands Ranch.”
Mr. Castillo gave his life so that other students might live. The Douglas County School District board should give him appropriate recognition.
Bruce Bernstein, Evergreen
Do you know cycling laws?
Re: “Cyclists must exercise care, too,” June 9 letters to the editor
Two letter-writers chastised bicyclists for disobeying traffic laws by rolling past stop signs. In actuality, in many parts of the state, it is perfectly legal to do that.
In 2018, the legislature passed a measure that lets counties and cities adopt laws that let cyclists ride past stop signs without stopping. So far, Aspen, Berthoud, Breckenridge, Dillon, Englewood, Summit County, and Thornton have adopted the law or variations of it. In most cases, bicyclists can roll past a stop sign if they can do so safely.
The law also changes the rules for stoplights. You still must stop for a red light, but, where permitted, you aren’t required to wait for the light to turn green. Once you’ve stopped, you can proceed with caution.
Your letter-writers also scolded cyclists for riding in car lanes and slowing traffic. Cyclists are required to ride as far right as possible and not impede traffic. However, cyclists are not required to ride to the right if it is dangerous. They aren’t required to ride within the “door-zone” of parked cars, where a door could open and injure a cyclist. They also aren’t required to ride through potholes or broken glass that are common near the curb.
I agree that cyclists should obey all traffic laws, but if motorists don’t understand the laws, it is bound to lead to misplaced anger and conflict.
Larry Fish, Denver
Don’t hijack carbon fee plan
Re: “Pay for the infrastructure bill with a carbon tax,” June 17 commentary
A carbon emissions tax is one tool to finance infrastructure construction. It isn’t perfect, as it is complicated to implement and regulate and may take years before any tax money is realized. Also, a direct rebate to American consumers from the carbon tax was discussed in policy circles. Is that idea now abandoned? A user tax/fee on gas consumption is not a “fair and efficient “ way to raise revenue. It hits poor people hard. Rich people don’t even notice a few pennies more at the pump. Tax wealth, that’s where the money is.
Victoria Swearingen, Denver
Shut off lights downtown
Xcel Energy would like all of us to conserve power by lowering the air conditioner usage. If you want it truly conserve power, you should turn off half the lights that are not required in downtown Denver at night.
Leroy M Martinez, Denver
Get Suncor, and all oil and gas companies, to clean up
Re: “Chemicals in water near Suncor raise concerns,” June 7 news story
If you make a mess, you clean it up. This is just common decency.
The recent discovery of likely Suncor petrochemicals in Sand Creek is another example of fossil fuel companies not having the moral fortitude to regulate or clean up after themselves. This ongoing problem with Suncor permeates throughout the whole fossil fuel industry. No responsible neighbor would require a mandate from a government agency before fixing a leaking gas pipe. Why do we accept it as par for the course for these companies?
Across Colorado there are an estimated 6oo unplugged and orphaned oil wells. Some of these wells are close to schools, parks and homes. Many may be leaking methane and other pollutants into the air, land and water. Remediating Colorado’s unplugged oil wells could cost millions and taxpayers should not have to foot that bill. Coloradans should not pay another cent on cleaning up the mess these companies left.
Last year, Sen. Michael Bennet introduced legislation to address this very issue. I urge the senator to continue his work in Washington and get the fossil fuel companies to pay for plugging and cleaning up their oil wells. Doing so would mean a cleaner, healthier Colorado and create thousands of jobs, which are much needed since oil companies also abandoned their workers by laying off over 100,000 workers nationwide in 2020.
Simran J McKenna, Arvada
Life in prison also takes a life
Re: “Second shooter found guilty,” June 16 news story
I grieve deeply the loss of Kendrick Castillo and for his parents, and I cannot imagine how I would manage the loss of either of my sons should that some day be required of me.
Yet I also grieve deeply for the two boys who are now also destined to be lost to society, their lives taken through our penal system. One might argue that they have no right to live their lives; however, sentencing those boys to life in prison can never return Kendrick, and it imparts a drain on society through the costly prison system.
Can we not imagine, instead of a penal system that locks away our offenders for life, a correctional system in which real treatment and education are the norm, offering the potential for reform so that offenders may have the opportunity to make amends for their crime by returning and contributing to society in meaningful ways?
Amy Christiansen, Lakewood
Compromise takes two
Re: “Senseless deaths here at home,” June 15 letter to the editor
A letter-writer asks why opponents of an “assault weapon” ban won’t “compromise.” She begs the question: what advocate of a ban has even offered a good faith compromise?
In a genuine compromise, both sides give up something to get something. The faction advocating an “assault weapon” ban has so far offered nothing its opponents don’t already have; it has only made demands. Opponents of an “assault weapon” ban refuse to “compromise” because no one has given them a good or even rational reason to do so.
Eric Krein, Lakewood
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