
December 13 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs - YourTango

It's December 13, 2023 and even if we stay in bed with the covers over our heads, somehow we'll get notice that today brings the first day of Mercury in retrograde. This means that if we dare to get out of bed, we're taking our chances. Fortunately, not everyone is a 'fraidy-cat' and for three zodiac signs, we're willing to take that chance.

And that's a good thing too, as Mercury in retrograde is not the only show-off in the sky today. What battles the forces of the retrograde are the good vibes of Moon trine Jupiter. Take that, Mercury retrograde, your powers are no good here. We of the Three Resistant Zodiac Signs will escort you to the door as we are faithful to our fearless leader, Moon trine Jupiter.

Moon trine Jupiter is what's going to make us feel as though we aren't part of the fearful club that always gathers around the Mercury retrograde. We play by our own rules, and we do it with our loved ones as well. Our love lives are untouched today, because we choose the path of light, rather than the confusion of the shadowy dark. Moon trine Jupiter helps us in love, and we feel like we are 'the lucky ones.' Nice.

Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on December 13, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

You've taken enough this year when it comes to love to let a transit get in your way, and now that you finally feel secure again, you're in no way letting the retrograde get to you. Not today, at least and on this day, December 13, 2023, you'll feel much more inclined to stick with the positive and act accordingly. You feel hopeful in the face of adversity, and by hook or crook, you will make this day work for you and your romantic partner.

You are able to do this because you have the helpful and supportive energy of the transit Moon trine Jupiter, which is there to let just about all of us know that we don't have to stop what we're going so that we can pay full attention to the negative. NOPE, that's not happening in the world of Taurus, and where your love life is concerned, you don't feel the need to backtrack or go over anything a thousandth time. You've done the good work, now, you're with Moon trine Jupiter on this one: you want to relax and enjoy it all.

Mercury retrograde does try to take you down a notch, but you're a seasoned player now, and being taking down a notch is not only impossible, but boring; you're not playing. You found yourself a way to rise above the turmoil and you and your partner did what was necessary in order to find the victory you now have. You're not going backwards, no way.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Demand Respect In Love, December 12 - 13, 2023

2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

While the world around you seems to be melting into some weirdly fearful existence where everyone you know is succumbing to the Mercury retrograde 'depression,' you and your romantic partner do not see this transit as a threat at all, and it's most definitely not going to do the partnership any damage. You've worked hard to get here, and you don't feel threatened by what's going on in the sky. You do, however, feel open to today's positive-energy transit of Moon trine Jupiter. Good move.

You're going to find that all you see is bright lights ahead when it comes to your love life. So what if the world is falling apart just because they all believe in the retrograde detriments; you aren't allowing yourself to go down that path, especially because you and your romantic partner did not plan on that for today. You have bigger fish to fry, in fact, during the transit of Moon trine Jupiter, you have plans in store for the future. Today is the day you start taking those plans seriously.

It's a day where you and your romantic partner encourage each other to do what you've both been wanting to do, but never got around to doing. You feel supportive of them, even if some of their dreams have them being away from you. You understand them and they, you, and today lets you know that together, as a couple, you will let love the lead the way. Fear can sit over there with the rest of the Mercury retrograde scaredy-cats.

RELATED: What Your Zodiac Sign Can Manifest This Week By Journalling During The Last New Moon Of The Year

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

Did someone say, 'Mercury retrograde starts today, December 13, 2023?' Yes...someone did, and as far as you're concerned, that means very little. You have given your time to this transit before and nothing good has come of it, and because this isn't exactly going to last for one day only, you figure it'll come after you sooner or later, which is precisely the reason why today feels so good to you, and why you and your romantic partner will enjoy the day for what it is.

One of the reasons you have such high hopes today is because the transit Moon trine Jupiter brings optimism and hope. Why bother anticipating the wreckage that the retrograde promises, when you can choose to do things you way? Today, 'your way' is all about being with the person you love. Hey, it's December, and this is the time when you want to feel good about life. Let 'dread' stay over there in the corner.

What makes you lucky in love today is that you aren't going to be lead into thinking bad thoughts, simply because the star attraction transit would have it that way. You're playing on Team Moon trine Jupiter, today, and so is your partner. You both really don't want to be bothered by things like social media, tech, phones and all that noise stuff today. Staying together, being together...that's where it's at for you, today, December 13, 2023. Enjoy a day spent in peace, Pisces.

RELATED: How This Week's Astrology Can Improve The Romantic Relationships Of 5 Zodiac Signs

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 

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December 13 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs - YourTango
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